Partonomy list P2, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

internal male genital organs ♂

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Top level male genital system ♂ Short Extended
Current level internal male genital organs ♂ Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
45655 3272 tax
internal male genital organs ♂
organa genitalia masculina interna ♂
7210 3273 tax
testis (pair) ♂ P3 65 children
testis (par) ♂ ; orchis (par) ♂
18255 3298 tax
epididymis (pair) ♂ P3 50 children
epididymis (par) ♂
74055 3309 tax
(paradidymis ♂ )
(paradidymis ♂ )
19937 3310 tax
funiculus spermaticus (par) ♂
19234 3316 tax
ductus deferens (par) ♂
19386 3326 tax
glandula seminalis (par) ♂ ; vesicula seminalis (par) ♂
19325 3331 tax
ejaculatory duct (pair) ♂
ductus ejaculatorius (par) ♂
9600 3332 tax
prostate ♂ P3 45 children
prostata ♂
9599 3353 tax
glandula bulbourethralis (par) ♂
10 lines
80.0 %
90.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Traditionally, the prostate is divided into lobes andlobules. The combined inferoposterior and inferolateral lobules, the superomedial lobules and the anteromedial lobules correspond to the histological entities of McNeal (1988 Am J Surg Pathol 12:619-633), and widely called after his usage, peripheral, central and transition zones, respectively (see also Myers et al. 2010 Clin Anat 23:18-29).
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 3272
Sublist 1 3273 testis 65/22 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 2 3298 epididymis 50/17 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 3 3310 funiculus spermaticus 15/6 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 4 3316 ductus deferens 47/16 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 5 3326 glandula seminalis 29/10 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 6 3332 prostata 45/32 on 27.6.2024
Sublist 7 3353 glandula bulbourethralis 5/2 on 27.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 256 subunits 105
Proper children 11
Number of children 267 (validated)
Proper units 3
Number of units 108 (validated)
Signature 16140 (validated since 27.6.2024)
Date: 23.09.2024